Boynton Still Waiting on Update Amid ‘Frustrating’ NCAA Appeal Stalemate

June 16, 2021

STILLWATER — Mike Boynton said he has heard “any day now” for about five months.

It’s been more than a year since the NCAA levied sanctions against Oklahoma State, and Boynton said the program has still yet to hear anything back on its appeal.

“I wish there was [an update], I really do,” Boynton said Tuesday. “It’s maybe the most frustrating thing I’ve ever lived through, professionally. I had a brother die, so I’m not going to put that in that regard. But, this has been just pretty disappointing. There’s no reason that this takes this long, but there is nothing to share, unfortunately.”

OSU received a postseason pan and a scholarship reduction June 5, 2020 for former OSU assistant Lamont Evans allegedly accepting bribes to steer student-athletes to financial advisers. There was no benefit to OSU in what Evans allegedly did, and he was promptly fired when news of the FBI’s findings broke.

It’s unclear exactly when OSU filed the appeal, but the deadline to file it was June 20, 2020, meaning if the program waited as long as possible, it has still almost been a year.

The appeal nullified the sanctions for the time being, meaning OSU was able to play in the 2020 NCAA Tournament. With the cloud over the program still lingering, though, Boynton noted the effects it has had on recruiting.

“I get asked about it every day when I call a kid,” Boynton said. “I want to give them an answer because [a shrug] isn’t good enough for parents, especially when other coaches are telling them that they know for sure what’s coming. That’s how this thing goes. It is what it is. They’ve been telling me any day now for about five months.”

There is reason for optimism. OSU’s appeal should be successful. In February, the same committee that slapped OSU with the sanctions didn’t hit South Carolina with a postseason ban or a loss of scholarships for its involvement with Evans.

Southern California also avoided a postseason ban in April following similar infractions.

“I really don’t know how to think about it, to be honest,” Boynton said. “I never imagined we’d be where we were. This is a year and 10 days later. June 5, 2020 we got the actual punishment. I have no idea. I don’t even want to try to think about what they will do. Just trying to keep our guys focused on getting better and pray that they have some … I don’t know what it is, grace, mercy, I don’t know.”

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